Case Study


  • Client

    BIS Victoria
  • Location

    Victoria, London SW1
  • Architect

    E C Harris
  • Quantity Surveyor

    E C Harris
  • Structural

  • Value

    £1+ million
  • Project Duration

    30 weeks
  • Project Type


The building is the Government department for Trades and Skills headed by Vince Cable MP, a fully occupied building, and required the total refurbishment of 92 Male/Female, Unisex and Disabled WCs following 15 years of continued use.

Carried out within the very sensitive environment of fully functioning offices, much of the work was carried out outside normal working hours at night time and weekends, as well as daytime working alongside staff. The control of dust and noise contamination was the priority and required tight control of the works.

The refurbishment involved the full strip out of all fixtures, finishes and services, before a full refit including ceilings, tiling, IPS and vanity units, and decorations and polishing to existing joinery.

A rolling programme meant that all 92 areas were completed in 30 weeks, 3 weeks early through close dialogue with the client providing short and long term programme of works, keeping staff informed of the sequence of works as the work progressed.